About Us




Mission Statement

It is the aim of our practice to provide high quality healthcare in a responsive, supportive and courteous manner to all our patients, with a well-trained and motivated primary health care team. We wish to be an approachable and accessible practice making efficient use of all the health care resources available.


Our Values

Respecting all

  • Showing courtesy
  • Seeking to understand
  • Treating all fairly
  • Value each person as a unique individual
  • Being especially supportive to the vulnerable


  • Speaking and acting truthfully
  • Being accountable for our actions

Working as a team

  • Relating well within the team
  • Valuing the contribution of each team member
  • Building a mutually supportive environment
  • Co-operating with other teams
  • Encouraging responsible involvement by our patients 

Learning and improving

  • Adapting to change
  • Building on achievements
  • Developing our services

Your Rights and Responsibilities

  • You will be treated as an individual and will be given courtesy and respect at all time 
  • You have the right to be treated confidentially
  • Respect for religous and cultural beliefs will be honoured
  • We will do everything we can to answer the phone promptly and courteously
  • You have the right to see your medical records subject to the law (there will be a maximum fee of £50 payable)
  • We ask you to respect the rights of our staff. Violet, threateing or abusive behavious will not be tolerated. We may choose to inform the police and make arrangements to remove offenders from our medical list.

Find out more about West Kent Primary Care


Patient Feedback

We encourage patients to give us feedback on their experiences at the practice.